Viime päivityksestä onkin taas aikaa. En oo muutenkaan ehtinyt olemaan hirmusen tuottoisa pariin viime viikkoon, sillä aika on menny miun synttärijuhlia järkkäillessä. :-) Nyt kun juhlat on onnistuneesti ohi, voin alkaa taas keskittyä kunnolla tärkeisiin muihin asioihin, kuten koulujuttuihin, oppariin, töihin, kuntoiluun ja blogiin... Tällä hetkellä tosin ajatuskin muista, ku blogista väsyttää. :-)
It's been a long time since my last update. I haven't had the time to be too efficient for the last couple of weeks anyhow due to planning my birthday party. :-) Now that the party has succesfully been partied, I can concentrate on other important things such as school, thesis, work, exercise and blogging... At the moment though even thinking about all the things (besides blogging) makes me tired. :-)
Eli juhlin miun synttäreitä lauantaina hieman erikoisemmassa miljöössä. Juhlat oli miun äidin kotipaikalla vanhassa heinävintissä, joka oli kunnostettu ns. latotanssipaikaks :-) Katosta löyty discopallo ja seinältä valkokangas yms. Paikka oli ihan mahtava! Voin laittaa pari kuvaa vaikka kunhan pääsen kotiin. Juhlimaan tuli sit aika paljon miun ystäviä (ala-asteajoilta lähtien osa ja osa sit uudempia tuttavuuksia) ja sukulaisia. Oli aika järkkäily kun hommattiin ruokia (äiti ja täti onneks leipo <3), juomia ja viriteltiin johtoja. Tarjolla oli siis Guitar Hero World Tourin pelaamista (rummut, kitara, basso ja laulu), musiikin kuuntelua ja armotonta ryyppäämistä :-D Onnistuin pahentamaan jo pari viikkoa viipyilleen flunssanikin kumiankka-yskän tasolle.
So I had a birthday party last Saturday. The party was held in a not-so-traditional surroundings. Ie. at my mum's childhood home. To be more accurate, in her shildhood home's hey attic which was turned into this awesome barnparty-place :-) We had a discoball hanging from the roof and such. The place was (still is) legen-WAIT FOR IT-dary! I can upload some pictures once I go home. I invited many of my friends (some from lower elementary and some more recent) and relatives. The organizing was quite a hassle due to all the food (thank goodness my mum and aunt baked some tasty foods <3), drinks and setting up wires and cables. We played some Guitar Hero World Tour (guitar, base, drums and mic), listened to some music and drank alot :-D I managed to turn my mild flu from couple of weeks of some discomfort into raging rubberduck-cough.
But I think I'll manage. :-) Now I'll start sketching for my thesis and make me a cup of tea. ^^ I'll see you around, sooner than this time. :-)
- kirppu
So I had a birthday party last Saturday. The party was held in a not-so-traditional surroundings. Ie. at my mum's childhood home. To be more accurate, in her shildhood home's hey attic which was turned into this awesome barnparty-place :-) We had a discoball hanging from the roof and such. The place was (still is) legen-WAIT FOR IT-dary! I can upload some pictures once I go home. I invited many of my friends (some from lower elementary and some more recent) and relatives. The organizing was quite a hassle due to all the food (thank goodness my mum and aunt baked some tasty foods <3), drinks and setting up wires and cables. We played some Guitar Hero World Tour (guitar, base, drums and mic), listened to some music and drank alot :-D I managed to turn my mild flu from couple of weeks of some discomfort into raging rubberduck-cough.
Mutta eiköhän se tästä. :-) Nyt alan luonnostelemaan opparia varten ja keitän itselleni teetä. ^^ Palailemisiin, nyt hieman nopeammin, kuin viimeks. :-)
But I think I'll manage. :-) Now I'll start sketching for my thesis and make me a cup of tea. ^^ I'll see you around, sooner than this time. :-)
- kirppu